Packers and Movers in Mathura-7206057950

The basic meaning of an estimate will be the approximate quote given by the movers and packers Mathura for the services that they will be hired for. But the term is just not limited to that. The term “estimates” itself involves a lot of queries. This article will throw some light on the general FAQs related to estimates.

How is estimates by packers and movers in Mathura provided:

It is very important to understand as to how an estimate is provided. The movers and packers in Mathura are supposed to send in an authorised person to have a personal and physical look at the goods that need to be transported. Once the goods have been seen, the authorised person is supposed to take an approximate weight of the goods as well as the number of articles that are to be transported. Based upon the approximate weight and the number of goods, the packers and movers in Mathura are supposed to provide you with an estimate.

Can the estimate by movers and packers in Mathura be provided on line:

Well the era is full of technology. You will come across many websites that would be providing you online quotes after you have filled up a small little form seeking for a little bit of information. Well even though it might sound very convenient, still getting a quote/ estimate online is not a very wise option. One must never fall for or agree on an online quote and must always insist on a physical survey of the goods before agreeing on any kind of estimate.
Are the estimates binding:
Well the nature of the estimate will depend upon the kind of estimate that is being provided by the movers and packers Mathura. There are mainly three kinds of estimates floating in the market namely: the binding estimates, the non- binding estimate and the non binding and non exceeding estimate. The binding estimate, as the name suggests will be very much binding upon the parties and whatever be the final weight and number of articles, the parties will stick by the original estimated value. However in case of non binding non exceeding, the parties will have to reduce the cost if the actual weight is less than the approximated weight, but cannot exceed from the quoted value even if the goods weigh more that the approximate weight. Lastly, the non binding estimate is the rough estimate that can vary as per the actual weight at the time of the loading and transportation of the goods.


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